~~AFSCME Local 1902 Union Family Picnic tickets are NOW available for sale!!!~~
Location: Six Flags Magic Mountain
Date: Saturday, October 22, 2016
Park Hours: 10:30am to 1:00am
Picnic Hours: 11:30am to 3:00pm (serving food until 1:30pm)
This all day event is for full dues paying members only. To find out more information about how to purchase, please log in to the website.
If you have not previously signed in, please register for a free account to see more information. The most current information can be found by visiting the Member Home page. To get there, view the "Member Resources" section on the left menu bar and click on the "Member Home" link.~~
NOTE: You must fill out and turn in a membership application form prior to registering for a free account, otherwise your request to log in will be rejected. It may take up to 72 hours to approve your account.
The most current membership application form is included here.
union application 2015.pdf